The Five Domains of Platform Business Models
The Bizcloud Framework resources include comprehensive domain patterns and artefacts to facilitate systematic and adaptable platform development.
The Five Core Domains
1. Formation Domain
Establishes the foundation for platform success by creating the environment where value exchange can occur.
Strategic Role:
Enables network effects through participant onboarding
Creates barriers to entry through community building
Establishes platform credibility and trust
Reduces friction in participant adoption
Value Creation:
Efficient participant onboarding
Community development
Trust building
Network effect initialization
View detailed pattern definition of the Formation domain...
2. Discovery Domain
Facilitates efficient matching between supply and demand, reducing search costs and enabling value discovery.
Strategic Role:
Enables market efficiency through smart matching
Reduces transaction costs through search optimization
Creates network effects through successful matches
Builds platform liquidity
Value Creation:
Efficient market matching
Reduced search costs
Enhanced value discovery
Quality curation
View detailed pattern definition of the Discovery domain...
3. Contract Domain
Converts discovery into commitment, managing the formalization of value exchange agreements.
Strategic Role:
Reduces transaction risk through standardization
Enables trust through clear agreements
Creates platform stickiness through formal relationships
Facilitates value capture opportunities
Value Creation:
Reduced transaction uncertainty
Standardized agreements
Clear expectations
Risk management
View detailed pattern definition of the Contract domain...
4. Delivery Domain
Ensures value realization through efficient exchange execution and quality management.
Strategic Role:
Builds platform reputation through reliable delivery
Creates competitive advantage through quality assurance
Enables platform differentiation through value-added services
Strengthens network effects through successful exchanges
Value Creation:
Reliable value exchange
Quality assurance
Enhanced user experience
Service optimization
View detailed pattern definition of the Delivery domain...
5. Settlement Domain
Completes the value exchange cycle and enables platform sustainability through value capture.
Strategic Role:
Enables platform monetization
Builds trust through reliable settlement
Creates platform loyalty through fair value distribution
Supports platform growth through reinvestment
Value Creation:
Efficient value transfer
Fair compensation
Platform sustainability
Transaction security
View detailed pattern definition of the Settlement domain...